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Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hobby means a leisure time activity, each and every one has a leisure time activity. Eg: collection of match boxes, pictures of animals ,birds, fishes etc...,pens, coins, stamps, bangles, paper cuttings, photos of leaders, sportsmen, film stars, scientists, etc.... Among this stamp collection is a main item.
Stamp collection is commonly known as philately. The word philately is a combination of the French word ‘philos’ which means ‘fond of’ and ‘ateles’ which means ‘exemption from tax’.
Generally we can say “philately is a hobby of kids and kings” and “philately is the king of all hobbies”.

Advantages of stamp collection.

Philatelist have an enthusiastic mind on seeing a new stamp. He began to the study about the content and theme of the new stamp and try to understand more about the culture and history of the stamp issuing country.
With the growing popularity of stamp collection, countries found stamps is a good medium for publishing their arts, culture, developments and achievements in many fields, landscape, geography, and tourism related items etc..
One who wish to became a philatelist can decide what type of stamps to collect before he actually start collecting stamps. Philatelists collect stamps according to a themes, the popular themes are ‘country, nature, scenery, arts, animals, birds, fishes, famous personalities, science, flowers, medicine, paintings, communication, railway, vehicles, religion, sports, ships, aircrafts, inventions and discoveries, monuments etc...
Every theme may sub divided into smaller groups.
Ex: main theme : personalities
Sub themes :country, politicians, social reformers, scientists, educationalists,
sports men, film star

variety of stamps;

There are varieties of stamps issued by the government.
Court fee stamps:-  These types of stamps are used to affix it on application forms to courts, govt. Offices, etc...as a fee to government.
Revenue stamps:- Revenue stamps are mainly used at the time of money transactions from government to public.
Cindrella stamps:- In some rare situations ,governments and social organisations try to collect money for helping the victims of some calamities.
For this purpose they issue a special type of stamps, which are called Cindrella stamps. TB seal, Medical stamps, etc.. are examples of Cindrella stamps. These type of stamps are not considered as postal stamps, and there for philately also.
A philatelist collect stamps , which are useful for postal purposes, that is for sending letters, envelops, parcels through post offices.

Types of stamps

1.definitive stamps.
Commonly issued stamps are called definitive stamps; we get these type of stamps in all post offices. Most of the Indian definitive stamps carry the photographs of mahatma Gandhi, jawahar lal Nehru and animals, birds flowers,  etc.. a large number of definitive stamps are issued for postal purposes

2.commemorative stamps.

To memorise a particular day, a special incidents, anniversary celebration of great personalities, organisations, buildings, sports events, international events etc...
Postal department issue only a limited number of commemorative stamps, reprint of these types of stamps are rare. The issue of commemorative stamps only on a particular day and most of the philatelists give special attention to collect specially cancelled stamps on that particular day. Together with the issue of a commemorative stamps there will be a issue of a first day cover and a brochure also. In the first day cover, there was a picture related to the stamp is printed on the brochure in English and in Hindi also. The first day cancellation of stamps is made with a special seal, only for that particular issue. The philatelists are fond of collecting the “first day cover with first day cancellation”.
For getting newly issued stamps, first day covers, brochure and first day cancellation, the philatelic bureau (Head post office, Kozhikode) helps me. We can register our name in the bureau to conform the availability of new stamps.

Amaljith k